Stories From the Community

Erica Sherman- Wood County Health Department Story

Erica Sherman- Wood County Health Department

I learned about text4baby through my job as a public health nurse at the Wood County Health Department. My daughter recently turned one, and I am sad that I no longer receive the text4baby messages! I enjoyed receiving the up-to-date information because I knew it was from a reliable source. I appreciated getting information about the developmental stages because it allowed me to make sure that my daughter was on track. The resources are also very useful, and the texts include great reminders. For instance, I knew that my daughter was supposed to go to the dentist when she turned one, but the text4baby message was a nice reminder to actually make the appointment.

I refer my patients to text4baby for the same reasons I use it myself. I know that text4baby is a reliable source because it is heavily reviewed to make sure that the information is current and accurate. The service also reaches clients that may not open a book, read an email, or check in a magazine for information.