Stories From the Community

Leah Meidl Story

Leah Meidl

Wood County Health Department

As a public health nurse with the Wood County Health Department, I love that it is a resource I can refer my patients to and know that they are receiving accurate and reliable information. The appointment reminders and tips on positive, healthy ways to take care of yourself during pregnancy are very helpful to my patients. The texts also provide great information to new moms once their baby is born. I also used the program myself when I was pregnant with my daughter. One way in which text4baby really helped me was when I received the text about postpartum depression within two weeks of giving birth to my daughter. At the time I was feeling blue, so the information was comforting. Like this one, all of the text4baby messages come at the right time!

I love text4baby because it provides tons of great, thorough information. I also love the format. This generation is really into texting and instant access to information. With text4baby, the information comes right to your fingertips!